Ziad Harb Real Estate


Floor 1

Floor 1 Welcome to our real estate agency, the place to start your new comfortable life at! We provide our clients with a great selection of luxury, modern, and unique living spaces in the best...

Floor 2

Floor 2 The layout of an apartment floor includes a combination of individual units, corridors, stairwells, elevators, and communal areas such as lobbies or common rooms. Each apartment unit on a floor usually consists of...

Floor 3

Floor 3 Apartments floors refer to the levels or stories within a multi-storey residential building that accommodate individual living spaces or units. Each floor typically comprises a set of apartments, with the layout and number...

Floor 4

Floor 4 Moreover, floor plans serve as valuable tools for architects, builders, and property developers, guiding the construction process and enabling precise visualization of how different units are positioned and interconnected within the overall structure...